Thursday, June 18, 2009

Values :]

*How does Values Education work to your advantage?

- My first Values teacher was my mother. She taught me how to do these and not to do that. She started teaching me Values when I was still a toddler. Before I go to school, she would always say this to me.. "Oh anak, wag kang sasama sa hindi mo kilala." Funny isn`t it? But when I started growing up, I realized that those wordings that my mom gave me would be a great help. When I was in elementary, we have this subject called "Character Education". Boring. Yes it is boring. But then again, realizations came. I`ve had realized that listening to lessons in Character Education would be a great great great help. It`ll make me a better person. Isn`t it? :) When I entered High School, "Values Education" came into the picture. I remembered when I was in 1st yr high school, I used to say this to myself. "Ang hirap hirap magpaexam sa Values, 0.3 lang naman." Values Education may not be that important unlike those major subjects way back in high school. But without Values, you`ll be nothing. The good thing is, I`ve had realized that Values is VALUES. Not Values lang. Because of Values, I`ve learned how to respect others as well as how I respect myself. And the only thing that mattered above all is that because of Values, I`ve learned to live my life with Papa Jesus at the center. :)

*After you have processed your first few experiences a MCL, in what way this will help you achieve succesful adjustment in college?

- After we have met Engineer Paz as our Professor in DRAW021, my goal is to PASS Engineer Paz. hehe. He may be "masungit" but all he wanted is for us to possess the heart of perfection. I have met new faces as well as new professors. Way back high school, we call them "teachers". Actually, it`s my first time to live alone. "Independent life" as they say. The world may be cruel for us. But God has plans. The professors, grading system and the program I`am enrolled with, makes me strive harder than ever before. In MCL, I know I`m in good hands. Even if the professors are fond of giving us LOTS and LOTS of school works. :) Excellence and Virtue mga tol!. and we`ll survive this 1st term and the preceding terms. :P

*Making Transitions from High School to College.

- High School is not that hard. High School is the happiest period for us, students. It is where the bond happened. The trippings and all.. Four years, who would have thought in those four years we didn`t even experience sleepless nights? Oh, I mean we`ve experienced sleepless nights but not because of studying for tomorrow`s exam. But because of late night chit chats. :) But in college, you`ll experience I mean we`ll experience sleepless nights. More and more sleepless nights because we have to pass this, we have to study that, we have to draw those. My first week in MCL is so stressful. Ugh. Too many quizzes and seatworks. You gotta be kidding me. :[ In High School, you`re with your family. Your mom will do the laundry. But in college, you`ll live on your own. You have to work things on your own for you to live. I`m having a rough time dealing with that reality. The reality that I`m no longer a spoiled brat waiting for the blessing to come for me. But then again, college is the part where maturity happens. High school ended months ago but the memories don`t. It`s our choice if we`ll make our college life enjoyable while learning. We`re here again working for the bond we had way back in high school. College is the last step for us to reach our dreams... :)


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