Saturday, July 4, 2009

3rd Journal Entry.

If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

- If I will have ONE OUTSTANDING VIRTUE, that would be PUNCTUALITY. :) Being punctual is so close in being a professional. Since high school, I`m using FILIPINO TIME. :)) It`s very shameful to keep those people waiting. :'( What can I do? It`s very HARD for me to wake up early. I`m always late way back in high school. But then again, this is college life. College; where maturity happens. I have to be mature. :) I HAVE TO BE PUNCTUAL. I really HAVE to. I know little by little, I will be able to achieve my oustanding virtue. Keep the faith, drop the fear. Oh yeah. That`s the fighting spirit. XD